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Bachelor of Criminology/ Bachelor of Information Technology

  • Monash University
  • Course CRICOS Code:097659K
  • World Ranking (QS):NO.55
  • Course Duration:4 years
  • Australian State:VictoriaVIC
  • Australian City:Melbourne
  • Course Intake:Semester 1,Semester 2

Course Description

with industry-relevant specialist skills to prepare for working and living in a world of constant technological, environmental, political and population change.

Basic Information

Course Discipline Criminology,Information Technology
Faculty Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences,Faculty of Information Technology
Qualification Level Bachelor/Undergraduate
2024 Course Tuition Fee (Annual) $AUD 42,800
Course Duration 4 years
Campus(es) Clayton

Entry Requirements

Academic Requirements 1. Equivalent Australian Year 12 with required score. 2. All applicants must satisfy the following prerequisites or their equivalents. 3. Australian VCE subjects - English- Units 3 & 4: a study score of at least 30 in English (EAL) or 25 in English other than EAL. Maths-Units 1 & 2: Satisfactory completion in 2 units (any combination) of General Mathematics, Mathematical Methods or Specialist Mathematics or Units 3 and 4 in any Maths 4. IB subjects- English - At least 4 in English SL or 3 in English HL or 5 in English B SL or 4 in English B HL. Maths - At least 3 in any mathematics subject 5. CRIMINOLOGY VET Diploma graduates To be considered for the double degree, applicants will normally require at least a 60% average. Preference will be given to students whose prior studies are related to the course in which they are seeking admission. Applicants who have not completed VCE but have completed an Information Technology, Humanities or Social Sciences based diploma will require an average result of at least 70%. Programs that involve competency-based assessment without grades or marks will not meet the admission requirements. VET Certificate IV graduates To be considered for the double degree, applicants will normally require at least 80% average. Preference will be given to students whose prior studies are related to the course in which they are seeking admission. Programs that involve competency-based assessment without grades or marks will not meet the admission requirements. No credit is granted for these studies. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY VET Diploma graduates To be considered for the double degree, applicants will normally require at least a 60% average. Preference will be given to students whose prior studies are related to the course in which they are seeking admission. Applicants who have not completed VCE but have completed an Information Technology, Humanities or Social Sciences based diploma will require an average result of at least 70%. Programs that involve competency-based assessment without grades or marks will not meet the admission requirements. VET Certificate IV graduates To be considered for the double degree, applicants will normally require at least 80% average. Preference will be given to students whose prior studies are related to the course in which they are seeking admission. Programs that involve competency-based assessment without grades or marks will not meet the admission requirements. No credit is granted for these studies. Maths prerequisite Applicants can meet the mathematics prerequisite for the IT degree with either a VCE maths subject (with appropriate score) or with an IT-related Diploma. 6. Higher Education - To be considered on the basis of tertiary study alone, applicants who have completed VCE or equivalent will be required to complete the equivalent of one year (48 credit points) of a recognised university degree and will require an average result of at least 60% (including failed units). For applicants who have completed less than the equivalent of one year of study, both the senior secondary qualification results and the units completed will be considered. For applicants who do not have any formal qualifications completion of two single units at an Australian higher education or equivalent overseas educational institution satisfy minimum entry requirements, but four units are recommended to be competitive for selection, especially in Information Technology, Humanities or Social Science areas. Applicants should have at least a 60% average in their studies (including failed units). Studies must have been completed within five years of intended commencement.
English Requirements IELTS : 6.5 Overall score, with minimum band scores: Listening 6.0, Reading 6.0, Writing 6.0 and Speaking 6.0 PTE: 58 Overall score, with minimum scores: Listening 50, Reading 50, Speaking 50 and Writing 50 TOEFL Internet-based test: 79 Overall score, with minimum scores: Reading 13, Listening 12, Speaking 18 and Writing 21
Portfolio Required NO
Work Experience Required NO